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Merchant Setup

This page lists all the items needed to set up your branded loyalty program. Contact us to complete the setup.


loyaltyProgramNamethis field is the name of your program for example ABC Rewards
loyaltyConversionRatethe percentage cashback you want to provide in tokens for loyalty members on subsequent purchases. Eg. 10%
loyaltyRewardsNameA name for your brand’s rewards eg. Perks, Z Gold etc.
loyaltySubscriptionCostThe cost of each billing cycle that will be billed to the active member.
initialPurchaseBonusRewardsYou can give additional tokens to the customers who join the loyalty program. Eg. $20 will additionally be given to the - customer on top of the cashback from their previous order on which the offer was displayed.
emailFromSourceFor email communication. Eg. Note that to enable these values, your system administrator needs to update your domain’s DKIM records by adding a new record provided by us.
loginPageURLhome page URL of your storefront
analyticsMerchantNamea unique user friendly name of your storefront. Eg. Ocean Clothings.
customerServicePhoneNumberAdd a phone number that will be communicated to the members via FAQ pages etc.
programTermsUrlExternal link to the loyalty rewards program terms and conditions. Eg.


  • Designs/Htmls for offer page, banner and welcome page. Offer and welcome pages are rendered in an overlay iframe, while banner will be an inline iframe.
  • Designs/Htmls for emails. A customer receives different emails during the course of their membership, eg. welcome email, billing failure email, etc.


  • Rewards icon. This icon will be displayed in the LTV.AI widgets, emails etc.

Loyalty Product in Your Catalog

A new digital product will be created in your catalog, named LTV.AI Loyalty Program. This product will be used to create a billing order for the monthly/annual subscription. The price can be set dynamically through a configuration setting page.